Counseling for pregnancy & postpartum emotional wellness:

Therapy to help you integrate all aspects of yourself into motherhood.

You may have arrived here if you…

…have recently stepped into the journey of motherhood. Perhaps you just found out you were pregnant or you’ve been a mom for a number of months. You’ve had ideas of what motherhood would be like and how you would manage all the challenges of pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. There may be some excitement and joy, but not as much as you thought or what you see on Instagram.

It’s a tougher road than you imagined and you feel like you aren’t as good in this new role as you thought you’d be. Maybe pregnancy had some tough spots, labor didn’t go the way you hoped, or you find spending time with a newborn all day exhausting. You feel like you lost a part of yourself; it’s hard to recognize who you are anymore.

However you arrived, I’m so glad you’re here. Read on to see if my Pregnancy & Postpartum therapy services might help you.

You are not alone. You are not to blame.

With help, you will be well.

Challenges with mood or anxiety are the most common undiagnosed medical complications during the pregnancy and postpartum time periods. Unfortunately, these emotional challenges are not often discussed, leaving new parents feeling ashamed and isolated in their suffering. Fortunately, therapy can really make a difference and help you feel better. 

In our work together, we will bring compassion to the parts that have struggled in this new role. It may include support for the parts of your life that are forever changed and help connecting to a new version of yourself that feels authentic and aligned with your core values.

Motherhood is the ultimate personal growth experience.

As a mom and as a clinician trained in perinatal mental health, I recognize the various layers that can create challenges during this time period. I also deeply believe that when we face these challenges with loving support they can lead to transformational growth. 

You can do this.

If you identify as a mother or a new parent, I’m here to support you.